When should I call a personal injury attorney?

If you have been injured, you should call a personal injury attorney to find out what rights you have. If you believe your injury was caused by someone else or a company, you may be entitled to compensation for the injury. Although car accidents are the cause of numerous personal injury reports, other types of preventable accidents also result in injuries that deserve compensation. Some examples are – falls caused by snow, ice, or a defect in a walkway or ladder, workplace injuries caused by faulty equipment or unsafe work practices, home injuries caused by faulty consumer products, fire and electrical injuries, errors medical, defective medical products such as hip implants and mesh implants, and sexual assaults.

Can’t handle my injury case?

The law has become complicated enough that no attorney can do it all. The knowledge, resources and skills necessary to represent an injured person or the family of a deceased person take years to develop. An attorney who handles an occasional personal injury case simply cannot provide the same expertise as an attorney who concentrates on handling personal injury cases. Currently the law does not require specialist certification. You will get more details if you follow Jenn Liakos blogs. But, in the same way that you would not ask a general practitioner to perform surgery, you should not ask your general attorney to handle your personal injury case.

Will I have to pay the lawyer?

Personal injury law firms, like ours, do not charge for an initial consultation either by phone, in person, or both. After the initial consultation, the next step is usually to investigate the claim, and likewise most companies do not charge to investigate a potential claim. After a personal injury law firm has decided to file your claim, the firm will work in most cases on a contingency basis. This means that a fee should only be paid to the law firm if the lawsuit is successful in obtaining compensation. If there is no recovery of compensation, there are no fees. The fee is typically a percentage of the amount of compensation earned.

The percentage of Injury attorney may vary depending on the type of demand. Besides fees, successful prosecution of personal injury claims requires a law firm to allocate money to the investigation, for expenses such as court fees, transcripts, and obtaining records. In most cases, the law firm advances these funds for reimbursement by the client when the claim is resolved.

What will I need to bring to meet with the attorney?

At the initial meeting, you should bring copies of any reports or records you have about your injuries and accident. Also, you should bring your health insurance information and any documents you may have received at the hospital or from other health care providers related to your treatment. If you have a claim related to a defective product, it would be helpful to bring the product with you assuming it is small and convenient enough to transport. Finally, if you have a car accident case, you should bring the Coverage Selection Page from your auto insurance policy.